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$15.715 (AUD)

Becas de hasta 30% en Torrens University Australia

Torrens University Australia, está ofreciendo Scholarships de hasta 30% para estudiantes internacionales, convirtiéndose en la Universidad más accesible de Australia al día de hoy.

Estudio universitario
Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane y Adelaide
De 1 a 2 años
Permite trabajar
Asesórate gratis
Estudents Torrents University
Torrents University
Scholaships of up to 30%.

Carry out your studies at Torrens University

Torrens University Australia belongs to Laureate International Universities, the largest network of Universities in the world. It has campuses in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Adelaide. Some of the most outstanding scholarships to which you can apply are:

  • 30% Business Scholarship – for students from Latin America and Europe.
  • 30% Design and Creative Technology Scholarship – for students from Latin America and Europe.
  • 15% Health Scholarship – for students from Latin America and Europe.

These Scholarships encompass a large part of the academic offer of Torrens University Australia. If you have any questions about the possibility of applying for a scholarship at Torrens University Australia, contact us for advice.

Beneficios de esta Scholarship
Campus Regional, que brinda beneficios migratorios
Acceso a estudios universitarios
Variedad de oferta académica

The most outstanding benefits of this Scholarship at Torrens University Australia.

  • Torrens University Australia’s Adelaide Campus is classified as a Regional Campus, which provides many migration benefits for those looking to stay in Australia long-term or permanently. For example, 1 extra year of Postgraduate Visa.
  • This University has a wide variety of academic offerings, with very innovative proposals and several Double Degrees that meet the needs of the labor market.
  • Thanks to this Scholarship, you can access university studies from AUD 15,715 per year, well below the average cost of university studies in Australia.

Contact us so that we can help you apply for this Scholarship and carry out your studies at Torrens University Australia.

¿Qué servicios te brinda ACE Australia?
Australia is one of the world’s leading academic destinations due to the quality of its education. Its safe and secure environment, high standard of living, friendly people and multiculturalism are complemented by stunning architecture and natural treasures. As well as being the ideal place to study, Australia offers such a wealth of cultural, sporting and social activities that you’ll always have something to explore.
Asesoramiento totalmente personalizado
Gestión de todo el proceso
Preparación previa a tu experiencia
Primeros pasos en tu destino
Acompañamiento durante toda tu experiencia

Conoce a quienes nos eligieron para vivir esta increíble experiencia.

Preguntas frecuentes

¿Tienes algunas dudas? Despejalas con esta información. Sino, contactanos y nosotros te ayudamos.
Question 1
Respuesta 1
Question 2
Respuesta 2
Question 3
Respuesta 3
Question 4
Respuesta 4
Let’s start to get to know each other 🙂
Tell us about your interests and goals. Take the first step and we will accompany you the rest of your way.