When do the borders open in Australia?
Australia hopes to have 80% of its adult population vaccinated by December 2021, to reopen the borders.
Australia hopes to have 80% of its adult population with the second dose of the Covid-19 vaccine by December 2021. Condition imposed by the National Cabinet of Australia to reopen international borders, in its plan to release the restrictions established by the pandemic.

Qantas Airlines is committed to resuming international flights in December this year.
According to Alan Joyce, CEO of Qantas Airlines, Australia will surely reach this goal by December this year, which will allow planning a careful opening of flights to some international destinations.
In a first stage, the airline proposes to re-establish operations to low-risk destinations with a high level of vaccination such as New Zealand, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Japan, Fiji and Singapore.
Flights to destinations with a low vaccination rate such as Johannesburg, Bali, Manila and Jakarta should wait to open after April 2022.
Qantas has reported losses of $1.83bn so far in the 2020-2021 fiscal year and its CEO, Alan Joyce, blamed restrictions on the entry of tourists and international students among other travelers, which significantly reduced air traffic. Let us remember that a year has passed since the ban on international flights and 330 days of restrictions on local flights.
The company was seriously affected by the pandemic situation that has been going on for almost two years, and especially by the restrictions applied by the Australian Government. This situation led the company to present to the federal government its plan to resume international flights last August, a plan that depends on the performance of the vaccination program in Australia.

Some students will be able to enter New South Wales before the end of the year.
They must have all doses of one of the Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Johnson and Johnson, or Moderna vaccines.
Initially, flights will arrive from Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand and the United States.
It is also great news for students from Singapore, since a Travel Bubble / Travel Bubble agreement was being negotiated with that country. Taking this possibility into account, the agreement will make it possible for students to enter Australia from Singapore.
To reach this 80% vaccination mark, Qantas will ensure all staff are vaccinated and openly promote vaccination to the Australian public, who have been looking forward to traveling since last year.
As a strategy, they seek to take the example of other countries such as the United States, or entire continents such as Europe, which already began a few months ago with the reopening of their international borders. If these countries can open their doors, what is missing for us?
On the other hand, the Australian Minister of Education, Alan Tudge, reported that despite the fact that Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney and Darwin are going through prolonged lockdowns or quarantines, different Pilot Tests are being presented in order to facilitate the return of students. international to Australia.
States such as South Australia and New South Wales have already presented their projects to the Australian Government, and have obtained the approval of both the governors (Premieres) and the health authorities in these States. Although these projects were stopped due to the new Delta variant, the Minister of Health assures that they are adequate to move towards opening.
It remains to wait for the final decisions of the Australian Government regarding the opening of the borders, which we hope will be positive. We are sure that international students are eager to enter Australia in search of this incredible experience.