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Estudia tu MBA en Brisbane

Lleva tus conocimientos de Business Administration al siguiente nivel llevando un Master of Business Administration en la ciudad de Brisbane.

Estudio universitario
De 12 a 24 meses
Permite trabajar
Asesórate gratis
Business Partnership

Graduating from a Master of Business Administration will open a myriad of doors in your professional future, whether applying for management positions or even starting your own business.

In addition, you will be able to apply your Business Administration skills in a wide variety of industries. In fact, in Australia you can find combined Master of Business Administration programs that will allow you to specialize in certain sectors or incorporate different types of skills, such as:

  • Master of Business Administration & Master of Project Management
  • Master of Business Administration & Master of Public Health
  • Master of Business Administration & Master of Accounting
  • Master of Business Administration & Master of Human Resource Management
  • Master of Business Administration & Master of Marketing
  • Master of Business Administration & Master of International Business
  • Master of Business Administration & Master of IT
Beneficios de esta experiencia
Ubicación estratégica
Excelente clima
Posibilidad de extensión de visado post estudios

Benefits of the city Characteristics that make the city unique

  • Brisbane is a metropolitan city and is the third most populous city in Australia. It is a city that will give you plenty of opportunities to enjoy in your free time, from an afternoon of shopping to world-class sporting and cultural events.
  • It is only 1 hour away from another of Australia’s most popular cities, Gold Coast. Unlike Brisbane, the Gold Coast has some of Australia’s most famous beaches and is a slightly less urban city. So you can experience the contrast between a metropolitan city and a coastal city by visiting the nearby city of Gold Coast.
  • The climate of this city is very pleasant: its subtropical latitude offers mild winters (between 10 and 21°C) and hot summers.

Expand your knowledge and skills in Business Administration by taking an MBA in the city of Brisbane. Contact us to learn about the different MBA programs you can apply to in this city.

¿Qué servicios te brinda ACE Australia?
Australia is one of the world’s leading academic destinations due to the quality of its education. Its safe and secure environment, high standard of living, friendly people and multiculturalism are complemented by stunning architecture and natural treasures. As well as being the ideal place to study, Australia offers such a wealth of cultural, sporting and social activities that you’ll always have something to explore.
Asesoramiento totalmente personalizado
Gestión de todo el proceso
Preparación previa a tu experiencia
Primeros pasos en tu destino
Acompañamiento durante toda tu experiencia

Conoce a quienes nos eligieron para vivir esta increíble experiencia.

Preguntas frecuentes

¿Tenés algunas dudas? despejalas con esta info, sino contactanos y nosotros te ayudamos.
How much does ACE Australia’s service cost?
Our service won’t cost you a dime. It’s completely FREE. As Qualified Education Agents, we are supported by the whole International Education ecosystem in Australia, from the Universities & Colleges to the AUSTRADE, Embassies and ISEAA.
Can you apply for scholarships?
It depends on what type of institution. From VET & TAFE Colleges to Universities, from Vocational Qualifications to Postgraduate Qualifications, and from Sydney to Perth, there are scholarships & education special Tuition Fees. These, in general, are for academic excellence or social impact and are usually half scholarships.
The TAFE or universities also usually call scholarships to their special prices for certain worldwide regions.
There are also Australian Government Scholarships you can apply to.
What is the Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)? Can I contract another type of medical coverage to apply for a Student Visa?
It’s a healthcare insurance service that covers visits to the doctor, some hospital treatment, ambulance, and limited pharmaceuticals for international students.
Under the Department of Home Affairs it is a mandatory requirement that international students are covered by this special type of coverage – OSHC – that guarantees them access to the benefits that any Australian with Medicare has.
Let’s start to get to know each other 🙂
Tell us about your interests and goals. Take the first step and we will accompany you the rest of your way.