Australia will reopen its borders in November
The Prime Minister of Australia, Scott Morrison, has announced a plan to open the borders from the month of November.
The Prime Minister of Australia, Scott Morrison, has announced a plan to open the borders from the month of November, and has been advanced, since it was estimated for December. In this way, allow the return of Australian citizens and permanent residents who are fully vaccinated. Foreigners will not yet be admitted immediately, but the Government officially shares that it is working on it to welcome them in a short time.

The Australian authorities have set the goal of the borders being opened once the 80% of the population has been vaccinated with both doses, a goal that was expected to be reached in December. However, due to the good performance of the vaccination roll out in the country, the authorities have advanced the plan to reopen the borders by November. In numbers, Australia has vaccinated 28.95 million, that is, 80% of the population with at least one dose.
These measures are viewed with optimism by sectors of the economy such as business groups, airlines and, of course, the education sector, which hopes to reactivate its qualifications and receive international students soon.
Qantas airlines has announced the beginning of flights from Sydney to London and Sydney to Los Angeles from November, with three frequencies per week.
The New South Wales state government announced that it will advance the opening of the borders once it reaches the 80% of its immunized population in its territory, regardless of the performance of the vaccination program in other states or nationwide.
States such as South Australia and New South Wales are conducting week-long quarantine trials with vaccinated travelers, in preparation for this reopening process.

First, Australian citizens and permanent residents who are fully vaccinated will be allowed to return to the country. About 40,000 Australians have registered their intention to come back to their country on repatriation flights.
Citizens and permanent residents immunized with a vaccine accepted by the Australian Health Authority, TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration), will be able to travel with a negative Covid test before their flight and serve a one-week quarantine in their residences. Those who have not been vaccinated, or are vaccinated with a vaccine not accepted by the TGA, must serve a 15-day quarantine in a suitable hotel.
Only those residents or citizens, including children who are not vaccinated on medical advice, will be treated as vaccinated for the purpose of their trip only.
During the opening, Australian citizens and permanent residents, fully vaccinated, will be able to freely enter and leave the country.
At this time TGA has been recognized by Pfizer, AstraZeneca (Vaxevria), Moderna, Janssen, Coronavac (Sinovac) and Covidshield (AstraZeneca / Serum Institute of India).